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We constructed a survey system of radon/methane/nitrate/salinity to find sites of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and groundwater nitrate input. We deployed the system in Waquoit Bay and Boston Harbor, MA where we derived SGD rates using a mass balance of radon with methane serving as a fine resolution qualitative indicator of groundwater. In Waquoit Bay we identified several locations of enhanced groundwater discharge, out of which two (Childs and Quashnet Rivers) were studied in more detail. The Childs River was characterized by high nitrate input via groundwater discharge, while the Quashnet River SGD was notable but not a significant source of nitrate. Our radon survey of Boston Harbor revealed several sites with significant SGD, out of these Inner Harbor and parts of Dorchester Bay and Quincy Bay had groundwater fluxes accompanied by significant water column nitrogen concentrations. The survey system has proven effective in revealing areas of SGD and non-point source pollution.  相似文献   
根据川西气田的实际情况,对致密砂岩层回注选井选层技术进行研究,初步建立了致密砂岩层回注选井选层技术,优选出川西气田1、2、3号等5个回注井区。目前,注水规模300m3/d,累计注水量达75 698.8m3,节约生产成本约200万元,且有效缓解了高浓度氯离子地层水外排带来的环保压力。现场回注试验表明:致密砂岩层回注高浓度氯离子地层水是可行的,回注选井选层技术具有现场推广应用价值。  相似文献   
Stone, Wesley W. and Robert J. Gilliom, 2012. Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) Models for Predicting Atrazine Concentrations in Corn Belt Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 970‐986. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00661.x Abstract: Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) models, previously developed for atrazine at the national scale, are improved for application to the United States (U.S.) Corn Belt region by developing region‐specific models that include watershed characteristics that are influential in predicting atrazine concentration statistics within the Corn Belt. WARP models for the Corn Belt (WARP‐CB) were developed for annual maximum moving‐average (14‐, 21‐, 30‐, 60‐, and 90‐day durations) and annual 95th‐percentile atrazine concentrations in streams of the Corn Belt region. The WARP‐CB models accounted for 53 to 62% of the variability in the various concentration statistics among the model‐development sites. Model predictions were within a factor of 5 of the observed concentration statistic for over 90% of the model‐development sites. The WARP‐CB residuals and uncertainty are lower than those of the National WARP model for the same sites. Although atrazine‐use intensity is the most important explanatory variable in the National WARP models, it is not a significant variable in the WARP‐CB models. The WARP‐CB models provide improved predictions for Corn Belt streams draining watersheds with atrazine‐use intensities of 17 kg/km2 of watershed area or greater.  相似文献   
Minimization of the formation of disinfection by-products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The drinking water industry is required to minimize DBPs levels while ensuring adequate disinfection. In this study, efficient and appropriate treatment scheme for the reduction of disinfection by-product (DBPs) formation in drinking water containing natural organic matter has been established. This was carried out by the investigation of different treatment schemes consisting of enhanced coagulation, sedimentation, disinfection by using chlorine dioxide/ozone, filtration by sand filter, or granular activated carbon (GAC). Bench scale treatment schemes were applied on actual samples from different selected sites to identify the best conditions for the treatment of water. Samples were collected from effluent of each step in the treatment train in order to analyze pH, UV absorbance at 254 nm (UVA254), specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), haloacetic acids (HAAs) and trihalomethanes (THMs). The obtained results indicated that using pre-ozonation/enhanced coagulation/activated carbon filtration treatment train appears to be the most effective method for reducing DBPs precursors in drinking water treatment.  相似文献   
人工浮床对汾江河水质净化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对佛山市汾江河内布置浮床的水域的7个断面进行采样监测,分析了布置浮床侧与未布置浮床侧各水质指标的差异,以考察人工浮床对汾江河水质的净化效果。同时比较了圆币草、水罂粟、梭鱼草、狐尾草、美人蕉和鸢尾6种浮床植物的生物量和氮磷吸收量。结果表明,布置人工浮床一侧的水质TN、TP、COD和NH4+-N含量均显著低于未布置浮床一侧的水质,表明人工浮床对水体水质的有净化效果。总面积约4 900 m2的浮床植物经过3个月的生长,从水体中共吸收了192.5 kg的氮和76.1 kg的磷。6种浮床植物中,狐尾草的净增生物量最高,达到64.2 kg/m2;圆币草次之,为62.2 kg/m2。狐尾草和圆币草对氮磷的吸收能力在6种植物中处于较高水平,每平方米狐尾草和圆币草从水体中分别吸收了51.61g氮、19.79 g磷和46.90 g氮、22.93 g磷。综合比较得出,狐尾草和圆币草在生物量和氮磷吸收量上均保持在较高水平,是较好的浮床植物。本研究为人工浮床在南方类似河流中的应用及植物选择提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
生物沸石滤池处理富营养化水体的挂膜实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用上向流生物沸石滤池处理富营养化水体,考察了挂膜阶段(前30 d)滤池对浊度、COD和TP等的去除效果,重点研究了系统中各形态氮素(NH4+-N、NO2--N、NO3--N和TN)的变化情况。结果表明,对于富营养化水体,生物沸石滤池对浊度、COD和TP的去除率分别约为80%、30%和24%;出水NH4+-N始终保持在0.5 mg/L以下,去除率在90%以上;NO2--N出现峰值(4.98 mg/L,第9 d),第13 d后即一直低于进水值;实验后期出水NO3--N与进水NH4+-N变化趋势基本一致,表明硝化生物膜已成熟,原位再生可行;生物沸石床内可能存在同步硝化反硝化现象。出水NO2-N浓度低于进水可作为生物沸石挂膜成功的一个标志。  相似文献   
东湖典型区域间隙水中营养盐的时空分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以富营养化程度严重的浅水湖泊东湖为研究对象,通过持续采样调查,分析并比较了3个典型采样点柱状沉积物间隙水中营养盐的垂直分布和季节变化特征,结果表明东湖沉积物间隙水中营养盐浓度最高值一般出现在-5 cm以上,-5~-10 cm之间有一个快速降低的过程,-10~-26 cm之间趋于稳定,但也有小幅的波动;冬季间隙水中营养盐浓度明显低于其他季节,夏秋两季略高。分析认为沉积物间隙水中营养盐浓度受附近污染源直接影响较大,与上覆水水质有一定相关性,但不显著。间隙水中营养盐的季节变化主要因为冬季污染排放减少加速了间隙水中营养盐向上覆水的扩散、减少了水中营养盐在沉积物表层的沉积,以及温度降低导致微生物活动减少进而降低了有机物的矿化分解量。并且认为常规疏浚深度就可以有效移除东湖表层污染严重的沉积物  相似文献   
水厂废水的综合处理与回用是我国供水行业的新趋势和节水目标所在,采用强化混凝技术进行水厂排泥废水的深度处理。通过混凝剂筛选实验和有机物表征确定最佳混凝剂为高效聚合铝(HPAC),适宜投加量为650 mg/L。当混凝剂HPAC投加量为650 mg/L时,对COD、TOC、浊度和色度的去除率分别为82.5%、89.8%、95%和92.5%,相应的出水值分别为58 mg/L、8.46 mg/L、2.35 NTU、13度,COD满足《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)的要求(COD≤100 mg/L),同时实验结果显示聚合氯化铝(PAC)、HPAC、三氯化铁(FeCl3)主要去除分子量处于>1 300 Da范围的有机物,对分子量处于744~1 300 Da之间的有机物去除有限。  相似文献   
根据污染源头控制和废水回用的要求,对典型棉针织染整厂的不同生产过程废水排水水质特征进行了统计分析,提出了较实用的废水源头清浊分流方案。在此基础上重点研究了混凝-臭氧组合工艺对清废水处理效果,确定了最优的工艺条件。结果表明,清废水主要为洗水,占废水总量的25%~30%;混凝-臭氧组合工艺的最优工艺条件为:pH为6~9,PAC投加量为48 mg/L,PAM投加量为1.0 mg/L,臭氧接触时间为12 min(臭氧浓度为14.5 mg/L),这时,清废水COD、色度去除率分别为71%和98%,实践证明,出水水质完全能够满足染整生产。  相似文献   
基于人工蜂群算法与BP神经网络的水质评价模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对BP网络水质评价模型的不足,引入人工蜂群(ABC)算法,将求解BP神经网络各层权值、阀值的过程转化为蜜蜂寻找最佳蜜源的过程,提出了一种新的结合人工蜂群算法的BP网络水质评价方法(ABC-BP)。并以2000—2006年渭河监测断面的10组实测数据作为测试样本对其水质进行了评价,实验结果表明该方法得到的水质评价结果准确,并具有很强的稳定性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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